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A member registered Nov 13, 2019

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(4 edits)

I mean... unless the password is some other variant of something i've already tried, i might not know the actual word that it wants me to input. It's so hard to explain what i've already tried without potential spoilers though. Y'know, for anyone who could scroll by this

update: GOD EFFING DAMMIT WHY IS IT ALWAYS THAT ONE WORD, thank you for the hint. 

(1 edit)

It'd be nice if Path C and D weren't so far behind, i feel very disappointed cause i've been looking so hard for day 10 password for an hour now, but i'm not sure If it even exists. If it does, HELP, for i am dense and need a hint. If not, i await new updates that hopefully DO have path c & d (more specifically C) because this is a good game haha

This visual novel is so incredibly jumpy but in such an incredibly intriguing way that leaves holes in what i believe is the best spots, leaving the reader wondering: "what the hell is coming next?" 
All in all, this is a joyride of  "wait where am i now" and is actually really fun to read

There's another password in the ending you get after putting in the password you found.